
Thursday, 21 May 2015

Knitting Abbreviations and Terminology

While some patterns seem to create their own special abbreviations and it's always worth checking the pattern to see what they mean by theirs, below I've listed some common ones and the ones I use.

K - knit.
P - purl
Sl - slip - pass the next stitch onto the other needle without working it.
St(s) - Stitch(es).
Psso - pass slipped stitch over.  When you have slipped one st, then worked one st, pull the slipped st over the worked st and over the end of the needle.
K2tog - knit 2 sts together.  Push the right hand needle through the next two sts and knit them as if they were a single st.
P2tog - Purl 2 sts together.
Yo - yarn over.  Wrap the yarn around the needle once as if it's another stitch and continue with your work.  This usually appears after a k2tog and creates a small hole for a buttonhole or for a lacy effect.
RS - Right side facing you- the side that will be facing outwards or seen when the project is finished.
WS - Wrong side facing you - the inside or hidden side of your work.
Rep - repeat.
Cont - continue

Pick up and knit - This is usually done when working down the side edge of previously knitted work.  Space out picked up sts as evenly as possible, lift a loop from the end of a row with your left hand needle and knit it onto the right hand needle.

Garter Stitch - all rows knit.
Stocking Stitch - 1 row knit, 1 row purl, repeated.
Rib - K1, p1, k1, p1 to end.  Or k2, p2, k2, p2 to end.  Most patterns will tell you which is used in this project.

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