Today, I spent several hours
preserving garlic.
Normally, garlic seems to
keep for a very long time, but this lot has started sprouting. There is no way I’m going to be able to get
through 8 bulbs of garlic before it becomes rubbery so I thought about other
ways of keeping it. I also have garlic
growing that should be ready soon.
I peeled and finely chopped 3
bulbs and placed it into a small jar.
When it was full, I covered it in olive oil. As this jar had a metal lid (that seals) with
it, I sat the whole jar, without the lid, in a coffee mug of boiling water to
gently heat the oil enough to make the button go down on the lid.
I also did another larger
jar with whole peeled cloves of garlic.

When I’m preserving, I like
to use the jars with the metal lids - jam jars, pasta sauce jars, even the
small mustard jars - because they do create a good airtight seal and I know
that my hard work isn’t going to be wasted.
The thing to watch with these jars though is whether or not they are
coated on the underside of the lid. If
not, then don’t use that jar for a pickle as the vinegar will make the lid
Costwise, I already had the
jars and the garlic, the only new thing I used was approximately 1 cup of extra
light olive oil. At about $11.00 a
litre, this means it cost me $2.75 for two jars of garlic.
Benefits of Garlic
Garlic is well-known for its
effects on your breath and loved anyway.
Plenty of folk cures for colds and flu contain garlic - from eating it
to putting cut pieces on the soles of your feet. Garlic is a good source of Vitamins A, B1,
B2, B5 and F as well as containing other essential minerals.
Garlic’s herbal medicinal
actions are:
Antibiotic, expectorant,
promotes sweating, reduces blood pressure, blood cholesterol levels and blood
sugar levels, anticoagulant and antiparasitic.
For an update on my preserved garlic - see here.
For an update on my preserved garlic - see here.
very interesting. Had never thought about preserving garlic.